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10 results found. CSS CAPTCHA
Proof-of-concept of a CSS-generated CAPTCHA.
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Hacker Republic Login Interface
A simulation of the login interface from The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.
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The Anti-CSRF Token
A basic demo of the Anti-CSRF token written in PHP.
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AngularJS Password Strength Validator
Password Strength Validator with API-based Dictionary Check.
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Nike Meme Generator
A PHP image file upload for generation of a Nike-style meme generator.
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Contact Us Page
PHP Contact Us Form with emailing action, basic security and validation, and a custom map.
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Simple encryptor wth key-based decryptor and email function.
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PKCE Generator
PHP and JavaScript based PKCE Generator
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The Random Christmas Card
A LESS Christmas Card website with A.I generated content.
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Singapore Bus Service App
Simple bus arrival app using LTA API.
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A collection of widgets and little programs I've compiled (and sometimes use) over the years. Some of it is obviously just for fun, and some of it can be used (and has been used) in various projects. Quite a few of them are Proofs of Concept. This is the stuff I get up to in my free time.

Please note that not all of them conform to accepted best practices. In fact, many of them don't. The key thing here is the idea behind, not so much the implementation.

I have made a point of indicating the technologies used (predominantly HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and the browsers I have tested the code on. If the code does not run on the browser indicated, check out the GitHub source; likely there is a branch within the repository that will work as advertised.
Measures how many interconnected moving parts it took to produce this demo, and how complex these parts are.
Commercial or enterprise-level complexity.
Multiple moving parts, moderate complexity and properly abstracted.
Multiple moving parts with moderate complexity.
Multiple simple moving parts.
Student or hobbyist level. Minimal moving parts.
Application in the real world.
Ubiquitious usage.
Widespread usage.
Useful functionality for general use cases.
Useful functionality for narrow use cases.
Theoretical only, or very simple functionality.