Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time.

Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

The best error message is the one that never shows up.

Thomas Fuchs

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Programming isn't about what you know; it's about what you can figure out.

Chris Pine

Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

Doug McIlroy

You should name a variable using the same care with which you name a first-born child.

Robert C. Martin

Always write your code as if the person who ends up maintaining it will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Martin Golding

The most important property of a program is whether it accomplishes the intention of its user.

C.A.R. Hoare

Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.

Filipe Fortes

Posts for 2021


A phishy move by GoDaddy
"Show of hands - who's got GoDaddy as their hosting provider and is harboring some serious doubts now?"

Uproars over user data privacy
"Sure, I value my privacy. I just happen to value my civic duty a little more."

Why some things should not be automated, redux
"I don't think of it as laziness - rather, I think of it as pre-empting fatigue."

The Big Tech Fallout From The Capitol Riots
"Tech companies can, of course, be trusted to make decisions according to objective fact. It's when they are called upon to make subjective moral value judgements on behalf of their very diverse user base, that we might want to start worrying."

Reference Review: How To Kill The Scrum Monster
"There's just something intensely relatable about defining Scrum as some kind of monster that needs to be killed."

Facebook's Fatal Flex at Australia
"Power is far more dangerous in the hands of those ill-equipped to handle it."

Who's Your Favorite Ninja Turtle?
"As with most questions of this ilk, the who or what is probably less important than the why."

Software Review: Tableau Desktop
"Tableau saves you the trouble of having to painstakingly set up data visualization, by taking care of most of the hard work."

Choosing between CSS and SVG
"SVG can be styled using CSS, and it's a killer combo - the power of SVG coupled with the organizational abilities of CSS."

Ten sketches of actual programming projects
"Notice how many of these sketches don't translate a hundred percent to the finished product. That's because requirements evolve."

Yes I'm a Software Developer; no I won't fix your WiFi
"Software is a totally different animal from hardware; and in this day and age there's absolutely no excuse for not knowing that elementary fact unless you're really young, really old, or just not the sharpest tool in the box."

Not a genius, but a grinder
"Work-life balance is for bitches. Real men have work-and-more-work balance."

Five Unintentionally Funny Email Typos
"It's all fun and games until a finger slips and you send the email."

The Personal Value of National Service
"What NS does, is provide perspective. Whether or not these young males put that perspective to good use, is a whole other matter."

Reference Review: Level Up Tutorials
"The sheer variety of software and languages that Level Up Tuts can teach you for free, is staggering. It really is the fledgling developer's wet dream."

Actual Requirements For Tech Expertise
"Useful practices can and should be adopted; the trick is figuring which practices are useful."

Using Chinese in application user interfaces
"The advantages of using Chinese as a medium for mobile apps, similarly applies to other Asian languages like Japanese, Burmese and Korean."

Five Dimensions of Competency, redux
"You see, as professionals, we have obligations other than writing and testing code."

Equal work, equal pay?
"Years of experience does not mean the same thing in the software industry as it does in many other industries, mostly because the software industry changes so fast."

Ten Hilarious Tech-related Drake Memes
"These side-splitting memes are something else. "

App Review: Alto
"If you play this game without sound, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. The audio is almost half the experience."

The differences between Posts and Pages
"Posts or pages are generally interchangeable in use, but they have specific use cases that apply in certain contexts."

A look at purchasing computer protection
"These days, antivirus software does pretty much the same thing, but unless the user intends to stay off the internet, that just isn't adequate anymore."

App Review: Clubhouse
"Clubhouse is a Social Media audio app - basically the voice-based version of IRC. You create or join rooms full of other users, hearing their voices as they speak. How awesome is that?!"

Some new features from ES2021 I really like
"These potentially make code more hassle-free and readable."

Writing Software and Fiction
"Writing software is not the same as writing fiction. It's still writing; it's still an act of creation, but there are fundamental differences."

When Zuckerberg Met(a) Facebook
"But what if Zuckerberg were able to pivot Facebook to a new kind of platform, one which wasn't dominated by Google and Apple?"

Discrete And Continuous Data Defined
"There are restrictions to the value that these data points can have. Usually, these restrictions take the form of the value being a whole number and not a fraction."

Ten Lessons From The Art Of War Applied To Software Development
"When you can make your job look easy, when you can make people think that any idiot could do your job, that is mark of a true master of his craft. "

Software Review: Tibco Spotfire
"If all you want is a fuss-free visualization tool, Spotfire is more than adequate. Anything more is perhaps pushing your luck."

Google moves to 2FA!
"Of course it would be a lot nicer to be able to access our accounts without that hassle. But things have arrived at a point where this is no longer a viable option."

A collection of technical snippets and ruminations on the web industry and tech in general. Much of it is opinion-based, and as such, I fully expect people to disagree.

As with most opinion-based content, your mileage may vary.


Some posts are more popular than others. Here are what the ratings mean.

All-time high viewership.
Wildly popular.
Decent viewership. Moderate popularity.

Some of these tags crop up frequently. Here's what they mean...

App Review
Where I share my thoughts on certain mobile apps I've used.
Applied Tech
Ruminations on tech happenings around the world and in society, how software technology has impacted us, and whether it's a good or bad thing.
Fiction Review
My findings in tech fiction.
Film Review
Movies or TV shows that revolve around technology.
Life As An Economic Digit
My thoughts on working life, specifically tech working life, though some of it is applicable generally - office politics, code of conduct, career thoughts.
Little fun lists, because thoughts are easier to organize that way.
Profanity Alert
Sometimes the language I use isn't fit for polite company. You've been warned.
On the occasion that I revisit a previous blogpost, or issue a continuation of one.
Reference Review
Sources of information, be they programming books or online video tutorials.
Sexism In Tech
While I'm not a feminist or a raging SJW, I do firmly believe that coding is a gender-neutral pursuit.
Software Review
Mostly desktop software, or any software that isn't a mobile app.
War Stories
Not literally, but anecdotes I recall when I want to make a point.