Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

John Woods

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.

Larry Wall

Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.

Linus Torvalds

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

Brook's Law

Posts for 2017


The Misinformation Age
"Gone are the days where people dwelled in cloistered communities and passed bias and ignorance from generation to generation without interacting with the outside world. Now with Social Media, you can reach out to people half a world away and share your bias and ignorance!"

Paper clip Power
"I may be biased here, but I find it's better to stick paper clips in a CD ROM drives than your ears."

Working While Unwell
"Walk it off, pussy. It's a sore throat, not a broken neck."

Shopify stands steady
"Tech platforms should be free to serve without being forced to take sides. Tech is about logic. We don't deal in feelings."

A very unsexy sexism scandal for Uber
"Now, I've never been under the illusion that Human Resource was on the employee's side. I've long accepted that HR is on the side of management in most cases, and the sooner one comes to terms with th"

Cyber-secure Nation
"This may be one of the few military vocations that have an actual equivalent outside of the military."

The Myth of Tech Meritocracy
"I think we can all agree that Apple isn't some benevolent mobile tech Santa giving us awesome products for the sheer joy of it. No, like all credible tech companies, Apple is a business, and is motivated by desire for consumer dollars."

App Review: One-man Army: Epic Warrior
"Your chubby little hero stumbles dramatically when hit by javelins, blasted by bombs and roasted by dragon fire. He scratches his arse while waiting, blocks incoming spears like a pro, prances like a ballerina and defies the laws of physics with his bomb-repelling shield."

The Case For Stored Procedures
"Of course, if you're suicidal enough to write a Stored Procedure that drops all your tables, all bets are off."

Why you should love your job
"Guess what will always do better than you, at tolerating your job?"

Frameworks in Perspective, redux
"If your organization tells you they need a responsive website, they don't care if you use Bootstrap or Semantic UI, code it the hard way, or ask your dog to do it for you. They just want a result, and they want it yesterday."

An Instructional Experience
"Before I continue, I want to stress that this wasn't an altruistic act of nobility on my part, nor do I have some bombastic virtue-signalling reason behind doing this gig. My motivations were completely selfish. "

Enter The Console Object
"The console object uses methods such as log(), error() and warn() to display messages."

Keep Calm and Carry On
"People say stupid shit and make utter fucking fools of themselves when they're angry. It's one of the unshakeable laws of the universe. Just because someone is being stupid doesn't mean you need to join them."

Macintosh Matrimony
"Dudes, they say the path of true love never did run smooth. In your case, it traveled the goddamn globe and back."

App Review: AndroIRC
"AndroIRC is basically just an IRC client put on mobile, with a typical mobile interface. Instead of clicking on stuff and typing on a physical keyboard, now you tap, swipe and use an on-screen keyboard."

Job Security: The Real KPI
"Job security is not about ensuring that your company will always need you. Job security is about ensuring that in the event that your company no longer needs you, ten other companies do."

Five comparisons between Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic UI
"Personally, I'd take Semantic UI any day of the week. It's got features I need, and I don't have a problem with using jQuery. But Twitter Bootstrap might be better for people who want decent results with a minimum of fuss, and more if they're willing to cough up the cash."

App Review: Zombie Defense
"Zombie Defense is a zombie-themed Tower Defense game. Two of my favorite game genres rolled into one app."

Bracket Like An Egyptian
"The K&R style is also known slangily as Egyptian Brackets. Because, if the brackets were hands, the pose would resemble a very stereotypical Egyptian dance pose."

Fancy, but ineffectual
"Now, I'm not saying that the UI in Vivocity was a bad idea. It was a pretty nifty idea. With a shitty-as-fuck implementation."

Textboxes and the Wrap Attribute
"What I would like to do here, is illustrate the difference between a Soft Wrap and a Hard Wrap."

Mozat's Culture Of Sharing
"This was what impressed me. Not his knowledge. Knowledge is comparatively easy to obtain - read the right sources, put in your hours, pay your dues. No, it was his unselfishness that impressed me. "

James and the Giant Echo Chamber
"No, Google didn't drop the ball. They weren't even playing ball. Hell, they weren't even on the friggin' pitch. From that business point of view, they did the only thing they could have done."

A Storm Without A Cloud
"The Left and Right are missing the point entirely, but that's OK. They're laypeople, and missing the point is practically an obligation."

Five things to check when your mobile is not charging
"There are multiple points of possible failure between the wall outlet and your phone. Each of these should be investigated if your phone refuses to charge."

Cracking the QBasic Color Code
"The eureka moment hit me recently, years later after I typed my first 'Hello World' in QBasic, when I was staring at the table again, and realized that it had made sense all along - I just hadn't seen it."

The Problem With Streaming
"This is probably just my opinion, but I've always felt that Singapore's educational system puts just a little too much emphasis on streaming."

War of the Programming Languages
"Has choice of a programming language or platform suddenly become some kind of religion?"

Ruminations of a 40-year old Geek
"Succeed or fail, life goes on. And if you disagree, feel free to shoot yourself in the head next time you fall short."

Film Review: Silicon Valley Season 1
"This is a really smart statement on the state of Silicon Valley."

Ten Absolutely Terrible Code Puns
"Due to the nature of reserved words being used in code, sometimes puns get worked in between the lines."

A collection of technical snippets and ruminations on the web industry and tech in general. Much of it is opinion-based, and as such, I fully expect people to disagree.

As with most opinion-based content, your mileage may vary.


Some posts are more popular than others. Here are what the ratings mean.

All-time high viewership.
Wildly popular.
Decent viewership. Moderate popularity.

Some of these tags crop up frequently. Here's what they mean...

App Review
Where I share my thoughts on certain mobile apps I've used.
Applied Tech
Ruminations on tech happenings around the world and in society, how software technology has impacted us, and whether it's a good or bad thing.
Fiction Review
My findings in tech fiction.
Film Review
Movies or TV shows that revolve around technology.
Life As An Economic Digit
My thoughts on working life, specifically tech working life, though some of it is applicable generally - office politics, code of conduct, career thoughts.
Little fun lists, because thoughts are easier to organize that way.
Profanity Alert
Sometimes the language I use isn't fit for polite company. You've been warned.
On the occasion that I revisit a previous blogpost, or issue a continuation of one.
Reference Review
Sources of information, be they programming books or online video tutorials.
Sexism In Tech
While I'm not a feminist or a raging SJW, I do firmly believe that coding is a gender-neutral pursuit.
Software Review
Mostly desktop software, or any software that isn't a mobile app.
War Stories
Not literally, but anecdotes I recall when I want to make a point.