Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

John Woods

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.

Larry Wall

Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.

Linus Torvalds

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

Brook's Law

Posts for 2016


FreeBas(ic)ing the Facebook way
"The problem is that a sizable percentage of India's population do not have the means to pay for long-term internet access, and lack of access to information and services will further disadvantage the poor. "

The Jover Touch
"At this point, Jover Chew had gone too far. He had made himself impossible to ignore."

How your Mobile Apps are made
"Of course, since the app is created in a native language and can interface with the device's operating system and hardware directly, it has a distinct advantage in terms of speed and versatility."

Rise of the Handphone Vigilante
"Singaporeans have grown into a timid, repressed lot who somehow come alive on the Internet due to the delusion of anonymity."

Instant gratification and a quick Fixx
"There is no such animal as a developer who already knows everything he needs to know and can get by without learning new things."

Ten ways to hone your craft
"Don't be afraid of coming across like a noob. There are plenty of developers blogging on the internet and gleefully making fools of themselves. Join us!"

Software Review: Sublime Text
"Sublime is a joy to use and is free for life if you don't mind the occasional guilt trip the trial version lays on you."

Programming Equivalence
"When you use the === operator rather than the == operator, you are testing for one more condition - that not only must $a and $b be numerically equivalent, they must be of the same data type."

Why Emails Bounce
"Basically the terms Hard Bounce and Soft Bounce are meant to categorize the reasons why your email to this address is not being delivered."

Film Review: Friend Request
"Fortunately though, this film is so utterly predictable and lacking in depth that not spoiling it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference."

Film Review: Grace
"Don't piss off Thai women. They're fucking nuts."

Data Transport Methods Across Webpages
"The GET method has a well-deserved reputation for being widely used - sometimes overused."

Google and the Fair Use Defense
"Because while Google was ostensibly the winner in this bout, make no mistake - had Google lost, it would have been a sad day for those of us peddling open source."

What do Web Developers and Wrestlers have in common?
"When you're working for people who aren't technically inclined, they process only the visual component of your work. They see that the interface looks nice and the color scheme is great. scheme is great. They see the flashy stuff, the bells and whistles."

No internet for public sector?
"I have refrained from commenting thus far because it is way too easy to get caught up in criticizing the Government (not that they don't deserve it) before one has all the facts. And because - bear with me here - this might not be as crazy as it sounds."

The Ratings Game
"When I asked that question, some interviewers have told me to just rate myself from my point of view. And that's exactly why it's meaningless."

Three Great Virtues
"If you remember nothing else about programming, remember this: minimum input, maximum output."

Film Review: Nerve
"Nerve is a cautionary tale against putting too mch personal information online. Or, at least, it tries to be. As a thriller, thrill it certainly does."

Pokémon Go Fever
"In the startup I'm currently working for, the tech lead takes us out on Pokémon hunts during lunch break. Oh, the Pokémonity."

WhatsApp and the Great Privacy Controversy
"Don't like it? Still miffed? Want to stick to those principles? There are always other messaging services."

Social Media Mishap
"As far as I'm concerned, HR did more or less what one should expect of HR. Between the company and you, whose side does one realistically expect HR to take? Here's a clue - not yours."

On the fast track: Project Nilgiri
"Why did Google succeed where Facebook failed so spectacularly?"

Film Review: I.T
"Could have been better. Way better. For a movie that dragged on almost two hours and boasted a cast consisting of Pierce Brosnan and Michael Nyqvist, I sure expected a hell of a lot more than tech-guy-makes-dick-boss's-life-miserable-because-he's-a-nutcase."

Denial of Service Attack on Dyn!
"What happens is that attackers make use of several computer terminals to send requests over the Internet to their target, flooding it with traffic and eventually causing it to stumble (or even crash) under the load."

No-show Nodevember
"Yep, apparently the word promiscuous was too harsh for some very easily offended souls in the audience. In a world now filled with trigger-free zones and political correctness, being outraged appears to be the in-thing now."

Website Building in the New Millennium
"The end game is for a user to be able to maintain and update the content of a website, without the need for the user to know anything beyond how to type."

App Review: Alien Creeps
"Earth is under attack by monstrous aliens and it's your job to keep them at bay."

The Quest For Mobile Knowledge
"Getting by was never the point. Graduating and obtaining the certification was never the point. Even having good grades was never the point. Learning was the point of all this."

A collection of technical snippets and ruminations on the web industry and tech in general. Much of it is opinion-based, and as such, I fully expect people to disagree.

As with most opinion-based content, your mileage may vary.


Some posts are more popular than others. Here are what the ratings mean.

All-time high viewership.
Wildly popular.
Decent viewership. Moderate popularity.

Some of these tags crop up frequently. Here's what they mean...

App Review
Where I share my thoughts on certain mobile apps I've used.
Applied Tech
Ruminations on tech happenings around the world and in society, how software technology has impacted us, and whether it's a good or bad thing.
Fiction Review
My findings in tech fiction.
Film Review
Movies or TV shows that revolve around technology.
Life As An Economic Digit
My thoughts on working life, specifically tech working life, though some of it is applicable generally - office politics, code of conduct, career thoughts.
Little fun lists, because thoughts are easier to organize that way.
Profanity Alert
Sometimes the language I use isn't fit for polite company. You've been warned.
On the occasion that I revisit a previous blogpost, or issue a continuation of one.
Reference Review
Sources of information, be they programming books or online video tutorials.
Sexism In Tech
While I'm not a feminist or a raging SJW, I do firmly believe that coding is a gender-neutral pursuit.
Software Review
Mostly desktop software, or any software that isn't a mobile app.
War Stories
Not literally, but anecdotes I recall when I want to make a point.